Android App Development Company

From startups to large enterprises, we deliver our customer’s expectations meeting excellence of our app developers. Within a short span of 5+ years, AppSquadz has emerged as one of the top Android app development company in India

Our unique approach in Android App Development

We have been developing Android applications for clients, right from the time Google launched the open source operating system. Over the years, our Android app development have become conversant with the APIs offered by the Android SDK. Interfacing with the phone through the SDK, we deliver applications that ranges all the way from M-Commerce, Chatting & Messaging, Dating, Augmented Reality, On Demand Delivery, Taxi & Travel, and Logistics and many more. Our experienced Android app developers along with problem-solving Squad offer unique insights due to their years of experience and industry trust. As the best Android app development company Noida, India we not only create an app but engage in custom services that will attain business goals and offer great user experiences, all while maintaining processes that are time-efficient and cost-effective for our clients.

The innovative era of Android Application Development with AppSquadz!

Our expertise in Android application development can be best demonstrated by the applications we have invented and developed so far. Whether it is web services integration, authorization, push messaging, augmented reality, social network integration, real-time navigation, user interaction, background processing, or data syncing; as the best Android application development in USA, New York we have crafted applications which utilize and comprise all such features that prove to be useful for the clients.
Our company is a well-recognized Top Android application development company well equipped with the latest technologies expertise professionals. Building an Android app is flexible, although the developer’s work is quite tough. Assigning your project to a foremost leading organization will be effective that is a task to be done efficiently. We advise you to assure that the Android application developer has in possession the requisites to build an exception Android app that can retain a good position in the play store.

Android Device – We work for

Our specialists understand every edge of the Android platform to its core. We have the experience of working with every Android device types. Some of them are listed below as:

Android Mobile

Our Team knows everything, what it requires to provide a smooth user-experience from the mobile apps we deliver.

Android Wearable

We offer customized wearable app development services to meet various business needs of customers.

Android Tablet

We offer development of customized Android tablet apps that are innovative and flawless to our global clients.

Range of our Android App Development Services

Our developers keep up with innovative solutions, for converting your ideas into an app stands out every time assuring you the best resulting business products. UAE we will assist you to boost your business effectively. Listed below are some of the services we render:

Android Consulting

We have an experienced team of Android consultants who help companies to establish and execute a successful plan for the extension of their online mobile businesses.

Custom Android App Development

When it comes to relying on the best Android application development company, we offer highly-customizable Android apps as per the specific demands of the customers.

Native Android App Development

Our team has vast experience in building Android apps that work fluidly on Native platform to provide maximum performance as well as the exceptional User-experience.

Hybrid Android App Development

As experts of hybrid app development, we consolidate exceptional HTML5 with multiple mobile platforms like Phone Gap, CSS3 and JavaScript ultimately developing the perfect app.

Android Game Development

Being one of the best Android Game App Development Company, we are well-versed with a team of expert and professional Android games.

Android UI/UX Design

As a reputed Android UI/UX development Company our designer executes the best design and development techniques to assure the interactive User Interface.

Android Web-based Apps

Our developers using responsive frameworks to simplify and streamline web-based responsive UI design and implementation services to optimize your mobile web app for high-performance.

Android App Strategy

We perform in-depth market research and well-experimented estimates to validate your business idea and compose mobile strategies that meet your enterprise needs.

Enterprise Android Apps

Being one of the best Android Application Development Company we have a professional team of experienced Android app developers who dedicatedly work on Enterprise Android apps.

Consumer Android Apps

We design and develop best-in-class consumer Android application solutions which are reliable and flawless sequentially providing a high-quality and bug-free app.

Android App Testing

As one of the top android app development company, our QA experts thoughtfully examine your project, right from the initial stage, until its seamless execution to make your app bug-free.

App Support And Maintenance

Our Android app developers provide 24*7 app maintenance and post-development support services with regular functionality updates which help you make your app feasible to use.

Choose – as suitable

We are up with all the latest trends, and technologies, we provide application development for numerous frameworks as well as languages. One can opt according to the requirement from the below

Android Native
Apps Development

AppSquadz, an Android app development company, has dedicated developers who use all standard functionalities where the entire code is written in the Android-specific programming language, operating on the Android platform to give an exceptional user experience.

Development Process

Our Android application development company conceptualizes, design, develop, manage, secure, test and deploy as per your requirement. No matter whether your app is targeted to enterprise or consumer market, our Android app experts have the expertise to build a quality-rich Android app to meet strategic objectives at a reasonable price.

1. Discover

Brainstorming Hypothesis Conceptualization

2. Define

Requirement Definition SRS Document Milestone

3. Design

Wireframing Prototyping UI/UX Design

4. Develop

Coding & APIs Testing/ QA Debug

5. Deliver

Environment Deployment Migration

6. Support

Maintenance Support Review

The Technology Stack we leverage

we are well-equipped with all the resources and our developers continuously update their knowledge on all the platform’s databases, frameworks, tools, solutions, languages, and new features.

IDE—–>Android Studio
Languages—–>Java, Kotlin
Database—–>SQLite, Realme, Room
Framework—–>RetroFit, Volley, Gradle, Glide, Dagger2, Ion
Parameters Fixed cost Model T & M Model Monthly
Payment Based on Delivery Milestone Pay as you Go-Basis Payment on monthly basis
Duration of Project As per the Contract It may vary, if changes persists from the end of client As per the contract
Communication Effective communication throughout the app development Effective communication throughout the app development Effective communication throughout the app development
Advantage Cheaper than the other models Changes could be altered, if required Changes could be altered, if required
Work Evaluation of project at the end Tasks are separately evaluated Tasks are separately evaluated
Timing Fixed time for app project No fixed time decided Fixed time period allotted
Methodologies Agile methodologies along with the latest technologies Agile methodologies along with the latest technologies Agile methodologies along with the latest technologies

Industries we cater

Over the years, AppSquadz, being one of the top android application development company have the expertise in Android application development has allowed us to acquire prowess in the majority of industries. We put our best efforts to transform user experience and maximize the level of customer satisfaction for every industry. Some of the industries we cater are listed here:


Shopping & E-Commerce
Wellness & Fitness

Food & Drinks

Retail Finance
On Demand Solution
Social Network