Smart business apps on the go

VirtuIT Mobile Apps for Business, powered by the MicroStrategy platform, helps organisations build and deliver business intelligence, workflows, transactions and multimedia in compelling business and customer native apps.

This powerful code-free platform supports a full range of mobile application development and analytic functionality, from stunning business dashboards to sophisticated statistical analysis and data mining. And you can start small and seamlessly scale to an enterprise deployment.


  • Strong support for a wide array of databases and multiple data repositories from which to pull organisational data for holistic, cross-business analytics and decision support.
  • An understanding that mobile devices change the way people work so have invested in extensive workflow, forms, transactional capabilities and security.
  • A platform that assists with rapid mobilisation of business intelligence reports.
  • Strong, intuitive visualisation that takes advantage of native mobile device capabilities.
  • A focus on high performance processing to support rapid response and reliability fo remote workers.


We can help you build:

Native apps – provide users with great experience across IOS, Android, mobile phones and tablets.

Compelling workflows – gracefully present processes in the mobile phone and tablet.

Contextual apps – absorb contextual inputs like location (GPS), barcode (camera), device orientation (rotation), and user (personalistation) to drive the app experience.

Secure apps – protect your data with a combination of sophisticated security capabilities – both as the data travels to and from the device and as it’s stored on the device.

Systems apps – transact with operational systems allowing you to build compelling apps for new or existing business processes.

Integrated native mapping – plots geo-locational data directly onto integrated native maps.

Fast apps – handle the complex questions and transactions from thousands of users concurrently.

How we can help you?

Contact us at Virtu Information Technologies office nearest to you or submit a business inquiry online.

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Pamten Labs, USA